Physics Colloquium

"Collisions of granular jets as a classical analog of RHIC collisions"

Presented by Sidney Nagel, University of Chicago

Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 3:30 pm — Large Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

I will report on experimental analogs to the ‘‘water bell’’ experiment using granular jets. Rebounding after a collision with a target, a granular jet can produce sheets or cones with shapes that mimic a zero-surface-tension liquid even though there are no cohesive forces between the particles. Simply by changing the number of particles in the jet cross section, we can tune the behavior between that of particles bouncing ballistically normal to the target surface to a situation where the ejected material forms a sheet resembling a liquid. For distorted jet shapes we observe elliptic anisotropic flow which appear to be a classical analog to those observed at RHIC for the quark-gluon plasma.

Hosted by: Robert Pisarski

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