Center for Functional Nanomaterials Seminar

"DNA-conjugated Metal Nanoparticle for Bioanalytics, Nanophotonics and Nanoelectronics"

Presented by Wolfgang Fritzsche, Institute of Photonic Technology (IPHT), Jena, Germany

Friday, August 8, 2008, 10:00 am — Bldg. 735 - Conf Rm B

Metal (especially gold) nanoparticles exhibit unique electronic, optical and catalytic properties. In order to utilize these properties, an integration of the particles into technical setups such as a chip surface is helpful. We develop techniques to use (bio)molecular tools in order to address and control the positioning of particles on microstructured chips.
These techniques are utilized for novel DNA detection schemes using optical or electrical principles. Plasmonic properties of the particles and the combination of nano-apertures with particles are promising fields for further bioanalytical developments.
On the other hand, methods for defined positioning of single molecules in parallel approaches are under development, in order to provide needed defined nanostructures for applications in nanoelectronics. Connecting DNA with nanoparticles, metallization of DNA or positioning of individual DNA-structures over microstructured electrode gap including subsequent metal particle binding are important steps in this direction.
The utilization of (bio) molecular tools and principles based on highly-specific binding and self-assembly represent a promising development in order to realize novel nanoparticle-based devices for bioanalytics, nano-optics and nano-electronics.

M. Kohler, W. Fritzsche: Nanotechnology Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2007.
J. Reichert, A. Csaki, R. Moller, J.M. Kohler, W. Fritzsche: Analytical Chemistry 72 (2000), 6025-6029.
R. Moller, A. Csaki, J.M. Kohler, W. Fritzsche: Langmuir 17 (18) 2001, 5425-5430.
G. Maubach, W. Fritzsche: Nano Letters 4 (2004), 607-611.
G. Maubach, D. Born, A. Csaki and W. Fritzsche: Small 1 (2005), 619-624.
R. Moller, R. D.Powell, J. F. Hainfeld W. Fritzsche: Nano Letters 5 (2005), 1475-1480.
A. Csaki, F. Garwe, A. Steinbruck, G. Maubach, G. Festag, A. Weise, I. Riemann, K. Konig, W. Fritzsche: Nano Letters 7 (2007) 247-253.

Hosted by: Oleg Gang

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