Nuclear Physics Seminar

"Spin Structure of the Nucleon and QCD."

Presented by Zein Eddine Meziani, Temple University

Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 11:00 am — small seminar Room, Bldg. 510

In the last 20 years the spin structure of the nucleon spawned a very productive
experimental and theoretical activity with exciting results and new challenges. T
he investigation of the nucleon spin structure has included a variety of aspects,
such as testing QCD the theory of strong interactions in its perturbative regime via
spin sum rules (like the Bjorken sum rule) and understanding how the spin of the
nucleon is build from the intrinsic degrees of freedom of the theory, namely quarks,
gluons and their interactions. Results of a set of experiments performed at
Jefferson Lab seeking to address key issues in probing the theory in its
perturbative and non-perturbative regime will be presented. Planned experiments
attempting to unravel the effects of quark gluon correlations will be presented.
Finally, the extension of this spin physics program using 12 GeV upgrade of Jefferson Lab and beyond will be briefly discussed.

Hosted by: Rachid Nouicer and Tim Hallman

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