Nuclear Physics Seminar

"Parton propagation and hadronization in cold and hot QCD media"

Presented by Dr. Alberto Accardi, Jefferson Lab

Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 11:00 am — small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

Beside its intrinsic interest for the insights it can give into color
confinement, knowledge of the space-time evolution of hadronization is
very important for correctly interpreting jet-quenching data in heavy
ion collisions and extracting the properties of the QGP.
On the experimental side, the cleanest environment to study the
space-time evolution of hadronization is semi-inclusive Deep
Inelastic Scattering on nuclear targets. I will briefly review
available experimental data on hadron quenching and concentrate
on pt-broadening, which is challenging existing theoretical models.
I will then discuss examples of how the knowledge of parton
propagation and hadronization in cold nuclei can affect jet quenching
in A+A collisions.
Finally, I will briefly comment on hadronization studies at an
Electron-Ion Collider.

Hosted by: Rachid Nouicer

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