Center for Functional Nanomaterials Seminar

"Fabrication of Nano-structures with High Aspect Ratio for Optical Applications"

Presented by Ming Lu, Argonne National Laboratory

Wednesday, October 29, 2008, 10:00 am — Bldg. 735 - conf rm B

From diffractive optics to on-chip photonic circuits, more and more optical devices shrink their critical dimension into deep-sub-micrometer scale. However, many optical devices with lateral nano structures need much large vertical dimension to achieve their performance.
High-aspect-ratio nano-structures raise the challenges on the fabrication side. Processes based on high-resolution lithography, plasma dry etching and electroforming technologies have proved their validities in fabricating high-aspect-ratio metallic nano-structures. In this talk, I will present our efforts on the high-aspect-ratio nano-structure fabrication. Fabrication processes for soft and hard x-ray optics as well as novel plasmonic circuits will be discussed in detail.

Hosted by: Aaron Stein

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