Particle Physics Seminar

"Study of Multi-muon events at CDF"

Presented by Mark Kruse, Duke University

Thursday, February 12, 2009, 3:00 pm — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

We report on a recent study of events collected at CDF from a sample requiring at least two muons. The production cross section and kinematics of events in which both muons are produced inside the beam pipe (within a radius of 1.5cm) are well explained by known processes, which is dominated by b-bbar production. When at least one muon is
produced outside of the beam pipe, we are presently unable to explain the rate and characteristics of the events remaining after accounting for the known processes. These events offer a plausible explanation to previous inconsistencies related to b-bbar production and decay. We
are continuing with various longer-term studies in an endeavour to better understand the source of these events.

Hosted by: Mary Bishai

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