C-AD Accelerator Physics Seminar

"The LBNL Normal Conductive CW VHF Photo-Injector"

Presented by Fernando Sannibale, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Friday, April 17, 2009, 4:00 pm — Large Conference Room, Bldg. 911B

A high-brightness high-repetition rate photo-injector based on a normal conducting 187 MHz RF cavity design capable of CW operation is under construction at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The source has been designed to generate a field at the cathode of 20 MV/m that will accelerate electron bunches to 750 keV with peak current, energy spread and transverse emittance suitable for free electron laser and energy recovery linac applications. A vacuum load-lock mechanism and a 10 picoTorr range vacuum capability make of the VHF photo-injector a versatile cathode test facility, and at the same time, a source capable to operate with nC electron bunches at MHz repetition rate by using high quantum efficiency photo-cathodes and present laser technology. The source concepts and the status of the project are presented.

Hosted by: Coordinator: G. Robert-Demolaize

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