Nuclear Physics Seminar

"Polarized DIS and Spin Puzzle in AdS/CFT"

Presented by Bowen Xiao, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

Tuesday, August 18, 2009, 11:00 am — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

AdS/CFT is a powerful tool to investigate gauge theories in strong coupling regime.
Recently, we have been able to extend apply AdS/CFT to polarized deep-inelastic scattering and calculate polarized structure functions both in finite Bjorken-x and small Bjorken-x regimes.
In this talk, I will start with introductions to AdS/CFT, explain how DIS is modeled in AdS/CFT, then show the results for polarized structure functions of a spin-1/2 fermion. In the end, I will discuss the spin puzzle in AdS/CFT, and compare with the well-known spin puzzle in QCD.

Hosted by: Gregory Soyez and Kevin Dusling

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