Nuclear Physics Seminar

"Studying Medium-Induced Jet Energy Loss with Direct Photon-Jet Correlations in RHIC Collisions"

Presented by Justin Frantz, Ohio University

Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 11:00 am — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

Direct photon-hadron correlations from photon-jet pairs should be an important tool to study jet energy loss and jet modification since it has been shown that direct photon escapes the medium without strong interaction and can act as a control to the opposing jet in the same event. Thus, for example, direct photon-jet correlations should be very sensitive to the fragmentation functions of the away side jets.
Also compared to di-jets, these opposing jets are nearly completely quark, as opposed to gluon, in nature. Due to the large background of meson decay photons from di-jets, measurements are experimentally difficult, and further complications in interpretations arise from Bremmstrahlung-like fragmentation photons also associated with di-jets. I will present details of the recent PHENIX publication of direct photon-hadron correlations, recent updates, and future directions of photon-jet measurements.

Hosted by: Jeffery Mitchell

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