Nuclear Physics Seminar

"Vacuum polarization and Strong CP-violation: from macroscopic effects to microscopic dynamics"

Presented by Raffaele Millo, University of Trento, Italy

Wednesday, December 2, 2009, 11:00 am — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

Strong CP-violation implies that a vacuum permeated by electromagnetic fields develops an anomalous electric dipole moment, parallel to the external magnetic field. We compute such an induced dipole moment using chiral perturbation theory, and we show that CP-odd effects grow very rapidly with temperature. We also compute the anomalous CP-odd ellipticity induced by vacuum fluctuations on linearly polarized photons, propagating inside a Fabry-Perot cavity.
We then report on the status of our on-going study of the microsopic quark-gluon dynamics which regulates these non-perturbative processes, based on the instanton picture of the vacuum, The main source of model dependence in such approaches is related to the unknown structure of the instanton-antiinstanton interaction. We are presently developing a rigorous approach to extract the quantum interaction between such pseudoparticles using lattice QCD simulations. The main ideas and first numerical results will be presented.

Hosted by: Kevin Dusling

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