Particle Physics Seminar

"The Handwaver's Guide to Dark Matter Halos"

Presented by Neal Delal, CITA, University of Toronto, Canada

Thursday, March 18, 2010, 3:00 pm — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

Dark matter halos play an important role in many areas of astrophysics and cosmology, and the properties of halos influence a wide variety of observables. Our understanding of halos is based almost entirely on N-body
simulations, with relatively poor theoretical understanding of what
determines halo properties. In my talk, I will try to give a simple way to understand many properties of halos, including their density profiles, their abundance, and their clustering. Using an extremely simple model, it
is possible to match the results of N-body simulations across a wide range
of cosmologies, even better than commonly used empirical fitting formulae.
Using this approach, we can also predict how halos and their resident
galaxies behave in cosmologies that depart from the standard LCDM model,
which I will illustrate with some examples.

Hosted by: Morgan May

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