Computational Science Center Seminar

"High-Dimensional Data Exploration in a Visual Analytics Framework"

Presented by Klaus Mueller, Computer Science, Stony Brook University

Thursday, April 15, 2010, 10:00 am — New Biology Conference Room

The growth of digital data is tremendous. Any aspect of life and matter is being recorded and stored on cheap disks, either in the cloud, in businesses, or in research labs. We can now afford to explore very complex relationships with many variables playing a part. But for this we need powerful tools that allow us to be creative, to sculpt this intricate insight from the raw block of data. High-quality visual feedback plays a decisive role here.
In this talk I will discuss various platforms we have developed over the years to make the exploration of multi-variate (high-dimensional) data more intuitive and direct. I will discuss our recent work on illustrative parallel coordinates, space embeddings, and multivariate scatterplots. Crucial components here are suites for statistical and intelligent data analytics, coupled with intuitive user interfaces fostering data-immersive exploration activities in which hypotheses can be formed and stimulated, and then confirmed or refuted. Finally, I will also present a possible application and extension of our platform for climate modeling.

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