C-AD Accelerator Physics Seminar

"Development of high-intensity (high-brightness) sources of fast hydrogen atom and ion Beams for Plasma fusion applications at BINP"

Presented by Prof. Vladimir Davydenko, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Russia

Friday, March 26, 2010, 4:00 pm — Large Conference Room, Bldg. 911B

A series of neutral beam injectors has been developed in the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk for plasma heating and diagnostics applications in modern fusion devices. Ion optical system of these injectors is optimized to produce ion beams with low angular divergence. In order to provide beam focusing, the grids are formed as spherical segments. Such geometrically focused beams are neutralized in a gas target and subsequently are used to heat or diagnose plasma. Status of work on high brightness hydrogen fast atom beam source for the BNL OPPIS development will be presented. Recent studies on H- sources in the Budker Institute will be reported.

Hosted by: Coordinator: G. Robert-Demolaize

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