Accelerator Engineering Seminar

"Introducing National Instruments Technology and Services for Big Physics Experiments and Projects"

Presented by Stefano Concezzi, National Instruments

Friday, April 23, 2010, 3:30 pm — Bldg. 911, Large Conference Room

Dr. Concezzi will illustrate how off-the-shelf technology already widely adopted in high-tech commercial and military industries (telecommunications, aerospace, etc.) has been successfully applied to physics experiments to reduce development time and maintenance costs. Examples will be discussed in detail including: Max Planck Institute, ITER Cadarache, CIEMAT in Madrid, and PPI in Prague. He will also detail the international cooperation between National Instruments and IST-CNF in Portugal to define the ATCA platform. Stefano will also talk about work at CERN to define the new timing and synchronization standard called "White Rabbit".

Hosted by: Wu Zhang

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