Particle Physics Seminar

"Inflation in a general reionization scenario"

Presented by Stefania Pandolfi

Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 3:00 pm — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

Inflation predicts primordial scalar perturbations with a nearly scale-invariant spectrum and a spectral index approximately unity (the Harrison–Zel’dovich (HZ) spectrum). The first important step for inflationary cosmology is to check the consistency of the HZ primordial spectrum with current observations. Recent analyses have claimed that a HZ primordial spectrum is excluded at more than 99% c.l. Here we show that the HZ spectrum is only marginally disfavored if one considers a more general reionization scenario. Data from the Planck mission will settle the issue.

Hosted by: Anze Slosar

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