Nuclear Physics Seminar

"RHIC in the Age of LHC"

Presented by William Horowitz, Ohio State University

Tuesday, August 24, 2010, 11:00 am — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

The first ten years in the age of RHIC resulted in many stunning discoveries. However the interpretation of these findings is far from clear because we lack a quantitative, and in some sense even qualitative, description of the full spacetime evolution of a heavy ion collision at RHIC energies. Most important, there is little understanding of the initial overlap geometry, the mechanism for rapid thermalization, and of hadronization. While one would naively think that RHIC will become obsolete with the order of magnitude increase in energy provided by LHC, it is unlikely that larger root s alone will clarify the full spacetime evolution picture of a heavy ion collision. Rather the flexibility and long run times of RHIC and eRHIC will likely prove to be the crucial tools needed for a detailed understanding of heavy ion collisions and quark-gluon plasma.

Hosted by: Carla Vale

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