Physics Colloquium

"Nuclear physics aspects of the astrophysical p-process"

Presented by Zsolt Fulop, Institute for Nuclear Pysics

Monday, January 24, 2011, 3:00 pm — Large Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

An overview will be given on reaction rates for the astrophysical
> p-process responsible for the production of the heavy proton rich
> nuclei known as p-nuclei.
> The nuclear physics input of the standard p-process scenario
> (gamma-process) involves the knowledge of photo induced reaction cross
> sections, mostly calculated within the Hauser-Feshbach statistical
> model.
> Experimentally determined radiative capture cross section data can
> test the reliability of the model calculations in the proton rich
> region as well as provide experimental information directly relevant
> to the p-process. Recent advances involving also the study of (p,n)
> reactions underline the importance of the stellar enhancement factor
> and call for a modified optical parameter set.
> ATOMKI has a long range program, supported by the European Research
> Council, to study reactions relevant to p-process using low energy
> accelerators. A full description of the scientific program, its
> advances and limitations will be provided.

Hosted by: Peter Petreczky

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