C-AD Accelerator Physics Seminar

"Intermediate Charge State Heavy Ion Operation in Synchrotrons - The SIS18 ion intensity upgrade program"

Presented by Dr. Peter Spiller, GSI, Germany

Friday, February 4, 2011, 4:00 pm — Large Conference Room, Bldg. 911B

In order to reach the desired intensities of heavy ion beams for the experiments of FAIR, SIS18 and SIS100 have to be operated with intermediate charge states. Operation with intermediate charge state heavy ions at the intensity level of about 1011 ions per cycle has never been demonstrated elsewhere and requires a dedicated upgrade program for SIS18 and a dedicated machine design for SIS100. The specific problems coming along with the intermediate charge state operation in terms of charge exchange processes at collisions with residual gas atoms, pressure bumps by ion induced desorption and corresponding beam loss appears far below the typical space charge limits. Thus, new design concepts and new technical equipment addressing these issues are developed and realized with highest priority.

The upgrade program of SIS18 addressing the goal of minimum ionization beam loss and stable residual gas pressure conditions has been defined in 2005. A major part of this upgrade program has been successfully realized, with the result of a world record in accelerated number of intermediate charge state heavy ions.

Hosted by: Coordinator: Chuyu Liu

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