C-AD Accelerator Physics Seminar

"The Proton EDM Ring Lattice"

Presented by Dr. Richard Talman, Cornell University

Friday, March 4, 2011, 10:00 am — Snyder Seminar Room, Bldg. 911A

The proposed BNL experiment to measure the proton electric dipole moment (EDM) uses protons stored in a fully electrostatic storage ring. The main bending field is produced by applying a voltage between inner and outer chamber walls. The full ring consists of repetitions of these wedge-shaped sector bends separated by drifts, quadrupoles, RF cavities, and so on. The nominal design orbit consists of circular arcs of 40m radius joined by straight lines through straight sections.

The ring, is first, an accelerator, and second (but foremost,) a physics experiment. Optimization of the ring for its experimental purpose and its adequacy as an accelerator that can store enough oriented protons for long enough are both discussed.

Hosted by: Yannis Semertzidis; Seminar Coordinator: Chuyu Liu

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