Superconducting Particle Accelerator Forum of the Americas Meeting

"SPAFOA Members' Meeting"

Wednesday, April 27, 2011, 9:00 am — Berkner Hall, Room B

The Superconducting Particle Accelerator Forum of the Americas (SPAFOA) establishes a partnership between its members and government, National laboratories, universities, and design teams throughout all phases of accelerator program developments. SPAFOA provides its members current information on the progress and issues related to these programs through newsletters, bulletins, and meetings at the National laboratories and in Washington, DC. The forum prepares and presents briefings and position papers on behalf of industry on specific management and technical issues where relevant industrial capability will benefit the program. SPAFOA facilitates two-way technology transfer between industry and government funded activities, and advocates the procurement of supporting hardware and services from domestic sources. The forum does not advance the capabilities of any individual member or members, but will serve as an advocate for integrating the capability of industry in all appropriate accelerator program activities.

Hosted by: Derek Lowenstein

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