Particle Physics Seminar

"Project 8"

Presented by Benjamin Monreal, University of California Santa Barbara

Thursday, July 14, 2011, 3:00 pm — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

Neutrino masses should have a tiny, not-yet-detected effect on the kinematics of tritium beta decay. Today's best neutrino mass limit (m < 2.0 eV) on the was obtained via very difficult spectroscopy of these decays. The KATRIN experiment will extend this to 0.2 eV, but with little prospect of further improvement. We are proposing a new technique, called "Project 8", which takes an atomic-physics-like approach with very different scaling issues and systematics. Tritium decay electrons can be stored in a magnetic field, where their cyclotron motion emits detectable radio/microwave radiation. I will introduce the basic theory behind Project 8, and our efforts to demonstrate single-electron microwave spectroscopy in the lab. I will also describe some of the challenges, particularly concerning the magnet, that will need to be overcome for a future large tritium experiment.

Hosted by: Marc-Andre Pleier

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