Nuclear Physics Seminar

"Phases of QCD-like Theories on R3 X S1"

Presented by Hiromichi Nishimura, Washington University

Friday, August 5, 2011, 2:00 pm — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

Recent research has shown that certain adjoint or deformed versions of QCD on R3 X S1 can have a confined phase at a small circumference of S1, avoiding the expected deconfined phase. In these QCD-like theories, confinement can be understood semi classically using both the dual Meissner effect and the effective potential in terms of the Polyakov loop as an order parameter. We have extended and applied these theories to study the interplay of confinement and the Higgs mechanism in an SU(2) model, and also the connection between abelian and non-abelian confinement using a phenomenological model. Through these examples, I will show that these QCD-like theories are nice theoretical models to study the phases of gauge theories and may be particularly useful for the study of finite-temperature QCD.

Hosted by: Rob Pisarski

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