Particle Physics Seminar

"Non-linear Large Scale Structure in the Warm Dark Matter Scenario"

Presented by Katarina Markovic, University Observatory Munich, Germany

Friday, October 14, 2011, 12:00 pm — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

A possible range of particle masses of dark matter is of the order of keV. This talk will discuss the issues of incorporating such Warm Dark Matter into existing models of non-linear large scale structure, namely the halo model and the halofit method by Smith et al. It will suggest modifications to the halo model to describe the evolution of the suppression of structure due to WDM free-streaming. It will also present the results of simulations of large scale structure formation in the WDM scenario and compare those to the above models. This talk will discuss the limitations and advantages of weak lensing data for
constraining such a WDM model and present forecasts of the lower limit on the WDM particle mass from combining the results from a future weak lensing survey with Planck data.

Hosted by: Anze Slosar

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