RIKEN/BNL Lunch Time Talk

"Direct photon physics in heavy ion collisions ~Current status and Future~"

Presented by Takao Sakaguchi, Brookhaven National Laboratory

Thursday, February 9, 2012, 12:30 pm — Building 510 / Room 2-160

Direct photons are a promising probe to directly explore the partonic system which are not possible by hadronic probes that are often distorted in the hadronization process. The PHENIX experiments at RHIC measured high pT photons coming from initial hard scattering process in heavy ion collisions for the first time and published in 2005. Then, recently, the experiment came up with low pT
photon results, supposedly coming from the hot partonic matter. These measurements characterized the initial state and partonic matter state, but there are states after the collisions yet to be investigated. I will present on the recent results on direct photons from the PHENIX
experiments, and then discuss what we can explore with direct photon measurement in the future RHIC runs.

Hosted by: Zhongbo Kang

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