Nuclear Physics & RIKEN Theory Seminar

"Heavy Flavor in Hot/Dense Matter"

Presented by Ralf Rapp, Texas A&M

Friday, March 23, 2012, 2:00 pm — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

Heavy quarks (charm and bottom) provide a versatile tool to study properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) and their manifestation in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. The large quark mass offers unique opportunities for theoretical control over basic in-medium quantities. We will discuss how a potential-based T-matrix approach can be used to comprehensively evaluate both quarkonium bound-state properties and heavy-flavor transport in the medium. Constraints from vacuum spectroscopy, perturbative QCD and thermal lattice-QCD are applied to enhance the reliability of the calculations. The heavy-light quark T-matrices in the QGP lead to resonance formation close to Tc which naturally lead to coalescence mechanisms for hadronization. Pertinent Langevin simulations of heavy-flavor transport through QGP, hadronization and the hadronic phase are implemented into a hydrodynamic evolution to arrive at a uniform strong-coupling treatment of both micro- and macro-physics in heavy-flavor observables.

Hosted by: Bjoern Schenke

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