Instrumentation Division Seminar

"Ba Tagging for nEXO Using Graphene on an h-BN Substrate"

Presented by Mickey Chiu, Physics/BNL

Wednesday, November 18, 2015, 2:30 pm — Large Conference Room, Bldg. 535

In the recently released NSAC long range plan, the timely development and deployment of a tonne scale neutrino-less double beta decay experiment is listed as one of the highest priorities. Such experiments would discern whether the neutrino is fundamentally a Dirac or Majorana type particle, possibly discover lepton number violation, and establish the mass scale of the neutrinos. Various isotopes have been proposed for this search, but as of today only Xe136 has a possible path toward achieving sensitivity into the normal mass hierarchy using Ba-tagging of the decay of the Xe136 to remove all other backgrounds. However, current attempts to use electrostatic capture of the Ba++ (or Ba+) atom on various substrates have been plagued by contamination of the substrate, as well as low efficiency of adsorption of the Ba atom by laser annealing. We'll discuss using graphene sheets supported by a h-BN substrate, which solves both the contamination issue and the adsorption issue, as well as other approaches to Ba tagging in the nEXO Collaboration.

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