P^3MA Workshop

"First International Workshop on Performance Portable Programming Models for Accelerators (P^3MA)"

Thursday, June 23, 2016, 7:30 am — Frankfurt, Germany

The workshop will provide a forum for bringing together researchers, vendors, users and developers to brainstorm aspects of heterogeneous computing and its various tools and techniques. High-Level programming models offer scientific applications a path onto HPC platforms without an undue loss of portability or programmer productivity. For example, using directives, application developers can port their codes to accelerators incrementally while minimizing code changes. Other approaches include Domain Specific Languages, C++ metaprogramming, and runtimes APIs being developed for Exascale which are starting to emerge. Although these approaches aim to introduce abstraction without performance penalty, programming challenges are still manyfold especially with their designs, implementations and application porting experiences on rapidly evolving hardware, some with diverse memory subsystems.

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