Monday, March 21, 2016, 1:30 pm — Bldg.480 Conf. Rm
Cuprate superconductors present a major challenge in condensed matter physics not only due to their electron correlations but also due to their complex crystal structure. Complex crystal structures, i.e. various cations at various lattice positions, demand for the utmost caretaking when synthesizing them. In particular, Molecular Beam Epitaxy is the foremost versatile tool and technique that allows for the synthesis of such materials without the necessity to compromise on impurity phases. First, I introduce our custom designed Molecular Beam Epitaxy equipment which is empowered by e-guns, not effusion cells, and controlled by electron impact emission spectroscopy. After presenting several material systems I present high magnetic field quantum oscillation data on films synthesized by our Molecular Beam Epitaxy systems.
Hosted by: Ivan Bozovic
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