Instrumentation Division Seminar

"Observatory Control System and Imaging System for Astronomical Telescopes"

Presented by Jian Wang, University of Science and Technology - China, China

Friday, July 8, 2016, 2:30 pm — Large Conference Room, Bldg. 535

I will introduce my work on astronomical telescopes, especially on the Observatory and Control Imaging system. From 1998, we began work on LAMOST, including its Observatory Control System (OCS), Survey Strategy System (SSS), and its Instrument Control System (ICS). Based on this work, we developed generic models and a framework for control Systems of Large Astronomy Telescopes, including a basic hierarchical structure, workflow model, and telescope control models based on object-oriented analysis, the main data flow model of a general purpose telescope. A layered and orthogonal architecture which will have a wide range of adaptability and a concrete architecture based on the message bus will be designed and applied to LAMOST and FAST. For the requirement of autonomous control and observation for astronomical telescopes in Antarctic, we also developed a framework based on RTS2 and EPICS. In the telescope, the imaging system, especially the detector system, is the key component. By adapting it to the requirements of low temperature and stability of operation in the Antarctic, we are developing a camera for CSTAR including vacuum chamber and CCD controller. Now in China, a 2.5-meter optic/infrared telescope, the Kunlun Dark Universe Survey Telescope is planned with a large focal plane similar with LSST but more challenges for us.

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