Biology Department Seminar

""COPING WITH THE STRESS: BRCA/FA pathway and DNA replication stress response""

Presented by Dr. Dong Zhang, NYIT

Thursday, July 14, 2016, 3:00 pm — John Dunn Seminar Room, Bldg. 463

BRCA/FA pathway plays a vital role in ensuring the integrity of mammalian genome. Mutations of genes in this pathway lead to either congenital defects or a variety of diseases including blood related diseases and cancers. In my presentation, I will discuss two discoveries made in my lab: (1) BRCA1 promotes the ubiquitination of PCNA and recruits the translesion DNA polymerases to the stalled DNA replication sites; (2) FANCM, BRCA1 and BLM collaboratively alleviate replication stress at the telomeres. Our discoveries may have important implications in finding better treatment strategies for certain cancers.

Hosted by: Dr. Huilin Li

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