Thursday, August 4, 2016, 12:30 pm — Building 510, Room 2-160
I will talk about inclusive prompt photon and photon-jet production in p+A collisions at RHIC and the LHC. In particular, I show that photon-jet correlations in the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) picture exhibit long-range azimuthal collimation at near-side for low transverse momenta of the produced photon and jet in high-multiplicity events. These ridge-like features are strikingly similar to the observed ridge effect for di-hadron correlations at RHIC and the LHC. I show that correlations in the relative rapidity and the relative azimuthal angle between pairs of prompt photon and jet strongly depend on the gluon saturation dynamics at small-x kinematics and such measurements can help to understand the true origin of the observed di-hadron ridge in p+A collisions, and address whether the ridge is a universal phenomenon for all two particle correlations at high energy and high multiplicity events.
Hosted by: Hiroshi Oki
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