Thursday, December 1, 2016, 4:00 pm — CFN, Bldg 735, Seminar Room, 2nd Floor
Hybrid (inorganic--organic) perovskites have demonstrated an extraordinary potential for clean sustainable energy technologies and low--cost optoelectronic devices such as solar cells; light emitting diodes, detectors, sensors, ionic conductors etc. In spite of the unprecedented progress in the past six years, one of the key challenges that exist in the field today is the large degree of processing dependent variability in the structural and physical properties. This has limited the access to the intrinsic properties of hybrid perovskites and led to to multiple interpretations of experimental data. In addition to this, the stability and reliability of devices has also been strongly affected and remains an open question, which might determine the fate of this remarkable material despite excellent properties. In this talk, I will describe our recently discovered approach for thin--film crystal growth as a general strategy for growing highly crystalline, bulk--like thin--films of both three--dimensional (3D) and layered two--dimensional (2D) hybrid perovskites that overcomes the above issues by allowing access to the intrinsic charge and energy transport processes within the perovskite thin--films and results in reproducible and stable high performance optoelectronic devices.
Hosted by: Matthew Sfeir
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