Thursday, March 9, 2017, 11:00 am — Bldg. 734, ISB Conference Room 201 (upstairs)
In this seminar I will focus two fundamental aspects of strongly correlated metals: the transport properties and the origin of correlation. Recent advances enables us to study quantitatively various properties of two archetypal correlated oxides, vanadium oxides and ruthenates, using the LDA+DMFT method. Both are strongly correlation, these two materials are quite different in their origins of correlation: V2O3 is proximate to a Mott state while Sr2RuO4 is not. Thus V2O3 is regarded as a prototype Mott system, while recent studies emphasize that Sr2RuO4 belongs to new category termed "Hund's metal" in which Hund's coupling is responsible for the correlations.
We carried out a systematical theoretical study on the transport properties of V2O3 and ruthenates family. Our computed resistivity and optical conductivity are in very good agreement with experimental measurements, which clearly demonstrates that the strong correlation dominates the transport of this material , despite their origin of correlation. We demonstrated that "resilient quasiparticles" dominates the transport. Furthermore by expressing the resistivity in terms of an effective plasma frequency and an effective scattering rate, we uncover the so-called "hidden Fermi liquid" behavior.
We identified signatures of Mottness and Hundness by a comparative study of V2O3 and Sr2RuO4. In V2O3 the low temperature coherent resonance emerges from the pseudogap regime appearing at high temperature between incoherent peaks, while in Sr2RuO4, it emerges from a single incoherent peak with large finite value at the Fermi level.. We show that these two contrasting scenarios features interesting behaviors in the local properties of correlated atoms including charge fluctuations, spin and orbit susceptibility and entropy. The findings shed new lights on the understanding of strongly correlated metals.
Hosted by: Gabi Kotliar
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