Thursday, April 6, 2017, 2:30 pm — Large Conference Room, Bldg. 535
In this presentation, we discuss recent progress in high channel count data acquisition systems for large experiments. In recent years Nalu Scientific has established a new model for integration of readout electronics with detectors for HEP/NP applications. The most recent work has been involvement in the commissioning of the Belle II Time of Propagation Klong and Muon subdetectors at KEK in Japan.
These innovations resulted in modern, modular, compact and high performance readout systems. Nalu Scientific, under multiple SBIR awards, has been working to commercialize these technologies to become available as off-the-shelf products for future experiments.
We will cover:
1. Summary of Belle II TOP PID and KLM subdetectors
2. High performance, highly integrated, low cost readout
3. Current efforts in high resolution/ high performance timing
4. Specialized compact readout electronics for SiPMs
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