Computational Science Initiative Event

"Frontiers for High Performance Computing in Cancer Research"

Presented by Dr. Eric A. Stahlberg, Frederick Nat Lab for Cancer Research

Friday, May 5, 2017, 10:00 am — Seminar Room, Bldg. 725

Anticipated advances in high-performance computing are enabling exciting new areas of computational and data oriented cancer research. These frontiers are being explored in a unique collaboration between the US Department of Energy and the National Cancer Institute in the Joint Design of Advanced Computing Solutions for Cancer. While the three-year collaboration is still in its first year, the collaboration is providing tremendous insight into the promise and challenges of employing extreme scale computing to advance research in the challenging and complex problem of cancer. Challenged with the aim of providing predictive insight in areas such as tumor response to treatments, molecular level interactions, and even clinical outcomes, the collaborative effort advances the frontiers of cancer research and computing in both numerically-intensive and data-intensive applications, while providing insights into opportunities for the high-performance computing community overall.

Hosted by: Frank Alexander

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