Computational Science Initiative Event

"From Data to Discovery: Accelerated Search for Materials with Targeted Properties"

Presented by Turab Lookman, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Wednesday, August 16, 2017, 10:30 am — Seminar Room, Bldg. 725

Next generation experimental facilities will offer unprecedented access to understanding in situ bulk materials behavior and generate data at higher rates than possible today. A key aspect is learning from the data to overcome challenges in analysis and discover new materials. Needed are tools that will seamlessly integrate data with inference and theory, where available, in a codesign loop for guiding experiments. Central to this is the use of uncertainties to explore the search space to minimize he number of iterations needed for the search. I will review some of our recent work directed towards finding for new piezoelectric compositions as well as shape memory alloys, and analysis of diffraction data.

Hosted by: Frank Alexander

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