Biology Department Seminar

"Genomic Study for Enhancing Maize Genetic Improvement"

Presented by Dr. Jianbing Yan, National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhuan, China, China

Tuesday, August 8, 2017, 11:00 am — John Dunn Seminar Room, Bldg. 463

The rapid development in genome-wide genotyping techniques promises to improve the power of association mapping and significantly refine our understanding of the genetic architecture of complex quantitative traits. We have built up a maize association mapping panel containing more than 500 diverse maize inbred lines which has been genotyped by using Maize50K SNP chip and deep RNA sequencing technology. Totally, 1.06 million high quality maize SNPs were obtained covering about 60% of the annotated genes in B73 genome. Large-scale eQTL and QTL mapping including fatty acids, flowering time and metabolic traits and so on were performed. Many functional genes and loci were identified and validated and some of them have been used for molecular breeding directly. A number of high nutritional maize varieties such as high pro-vitamin A, high oil and high vitamin E content have been released and grown widely in China and Africa. In the presentation, we will report the detail and discuss the challenges and opportunities of genomic study in crop genetic improvement.

Hosted by: Dr. Chang-Jun Liu

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