Instrumentation Division Seminar

"Readout Interface for Strip Detectors with Spectrometric Applications"

Presented by Yesid Mora-Sierra, Czech Technical University

Wednesday, October 18, 2017, 2:30 pm — Large Conference Room, Bldg. 535

Radiation detection systems based on semiconductor detectors play an important role in experimental and applied physics. Common detectors used in physics are strip and pixel detectors, while strip detectors provide a simpler and cheaper solution with a comparable accuracy. A system using ASICs (NCIASIC3) provided by BNL has been designed for silicon strip detectors to investigate their scope and dynamic properties when employed as spectroscopes. Potential applications include single event effect, tracking, dosimetry, and X-ray imaging, among others. The design of the system, as well as results from preliminary tests and measurements will be presented.

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