Nuclear Physics Seminar

"Fermilab E-906/SeaQuest: A novel nucleon structure laboratory"

Presented by Bryan Ramson, University of Michigan

Tuesday, November 14, 2017, 11:00 am — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

SeaQuest is the latest iteration in a series of Fermilab experiments designed to probe nucleon structure using the Drell-Yan process. The most recent ancestor of SeaQuest, E866/NuSea, used the Drell-Yan process to provide the most comprehensive observations of the light-quark flavor asymmetry to date, which suggested significant non-pertubative effects in the nucleon sea. Other measurements concerning cold nuclear matter, J/Psi production, and Drell-Yan angular distributions were conducted as well. SeaQuest aims to complement the flagship NuSea measurement by probing higher seaquark momenta at a lower center-of-mass energy and higher intensity. A summary of the light-quark flavor asymmetry measurement status will be reported as well as the status of various parallel analyses, one of which could have implications for the Boer-Mulders initial state TMD.

Hosted by: Oleg Eyser

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