CFNS Seminar

"Looking Forward at eRHIC"

Presented by Mark Baker, MDBPADS

Thursday, December 7, 2017, 4:00 pm — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

The physics importance of diffraction and the importance of forward detectors for diffraction. We can look forward to studying gluons and the strong interaction using diffraction in eA collisions at an EIC. Understanding this physics will be challenging, however, and will hinge on the quality of our forward detector / interaction region design —- how well we look forward AT eRHIC (or JLEIC). After reviewing briefly the physics motivation, I will discuss the experimental challenges involved at eRHIC (and ATLAS ultraperipheral) and will outline the improved eA simulation effort underway to allow us to exploit this physics.

Hosted by: Nils Feege

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