NSLS-II Engineering Seminar Series

"Introduction to NSLS-II Survey and Alignment"

Chenghao Yu, Brookhaven National Laboratory

Tuesday, December 12, 2017, 2:00 pm — John Dunn Seminar Room, Bldg. 463

NSLS-II at Brookhaven National Laboratory is one of the newest and most advanced synchrotron facilities in the world. The accelerator and beamline components of this machine require very precise alignment to meet their performance requirements. For example, the alignment tolerance of magnets on a common girder of the storage ring is ± 30 µm and adjacent girders need to be aligned to within ± 100 µm. The precise alignment of the machine must be maintained throughout its lifetime.

The alignment philosophy and processes, which are based on primary/secondary survey networks and modern laser trackers, will be discussed. The use of vibrating wire technique for a more precise alignment of the magnets will be described. Several "lessons–learned" examples will be presented to highlight good alignment practices and procedures.

The Survey and Alignment group members, who are ready to support all survey and alignment requests across the lab, will be introduced.

Hosted by: Sushil Sharma & Steven Hulbert

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