Computational Science Initiative Event

"Classical Limit on Quantum Mechanics for Unbounded Observables"

Presented by Pun Wai Tong, UC San Diego

Wednesday, January 10, 2018, 11:00 am — Seminar Room, Bldg. 725

This talk will discuss the classical limit of quantum mechanics. In more detail
we will elaborate on a method introduced by Hepp in 1974 for studying the
asymptotic behavior of quantum expectations in the limit as Plank's constant
(~) tends to zero. Our goal is to allow for unbounded observables which are
(non-commutative) polynomial functions of the position and momentum operators.
This is in contrast to Hepp's original paper where the observables were,
roughly speaking, required to be bounded functions of the position and momentum
operators. As expected the leading order contributions of the quantum
expectations come from evaluating the observables along the classical trajectories
while the next order contributions are computed by evolving the ~=1
observables by a linear canonical transformations which is purely determined
by the Newtonian equation and its initial state.

Hosted by: Kerstin Kleese van Dam

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