Tuesday, June 19, 2018, 3:30 pm — Large Seminar Room, Bldg. 510
Last year, the STAR Collaboration at RHIC published the first observation of global hyperon polarization in heavy ion collisions. This polarization may be used to extract rotational substructure of the flow field. The result represented a striking validation of the near-equilibrium hydrodynamic paradigm and established the quark-gluon plasma at RHIC as by far the most vortical fluid in nature. More recent studies quantify the vortical structure systematics to challenge hydro models in detail. In addition to the rotational fluid substructure, hyperon polarization should probe the strong magnetic fields expected in heavy ion collisions. Measuring these fields is crucial for establishing and quantifying the so-called Chiral Magnetic Effect at RHIC. Experimental uncertainties are currently too large to conclusively measure the magnetic field, but detector upgrades at STAR and dedicated running at RHIC may allow a breakthrough in this year's (2018) run.
Hosted by: Peter Petreczky
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