Friday, July 13, 2018, 2:00 pm — Building 510, CFNS Seminar Room 2-38
Comparing collision systems of different size, at near the same collision energy, offers us the opportunity to probe the scaling behavior and therefore the nature of the system itself. Recently, we made predictions for Xe-Xe collisions at 5.44 TeV using viscous hydrodynamic simulations, noting that the scaling from the larger Pb-Pb system is rather generic, and arguing that robust predictions can be made that do not depend on details of the model. Here we confront our predictions with measurements that were subsequently made in a short Xe-Xe run at the LHC by the ALICE, ATLAS, and CMS collaborations. We find that the predictions are largely confirmed, with small discrepancies that could point the way to a better understanding of the medium created in such collisions.
Hosted by: Chun Shen
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