CFNS Seminar @ BNL

"Collinear Drop"

Presented by Yang-Ting Chien, MIT

Thursday, August 2, 2018, 11:00 am — Building 510, Room 2-160

I will introduce collinear-drop jet observables which suppress contributions from collinear radiation and systematically probe soft radiation within jets. Such observables are insensitive to collinear radiation and can be designed to be fairly insensitive to process-dependent soft radiation. This enables them to be used for distinguishing quark, gluon, and color neutral jet-initiating particles, for testing the accuracy of the description of soft radiation in Monte Carlo simulations, and for testing methods of predicting hadronization corrections. I will discuss several examples of collinear-drop observables and show how to derive factorization expressions for QCD jets using soft-collinear effective theory (SCET), which enables a resummation of logarithmically enhanced contributions

Hosted by: Yacine Mehtar-Tani

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