Thursday, December 20, 2018, 3:00 pm — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510
The top quark is unique among the known quarks since it decays before it has an opportunity to form hadronic bound states. This makes measurements of its properties particularly interesting as one can access directly the properties of a bare quark. Given its large mass (the heaviest fundamental particle), the top quark may play a special role in the electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism and therefore, new physics related to this might be found first in top quark precision measurements. Possible new physics signals would cause deviations of the top quark couplings from the Standard Model (SM) prediction. It couples to the SM fields through its gauge and Yukawa interactions. The high statistics top quark sample at the LHC has allowed to access the associated production of a top quark pair with a boson: tt+photon, tt+W, tt+Z and tt+H. The latest measurements carried out by the ATLAS detector for these physics processes will be presented, highlighting the main challenges.
Hosted by: Alessandro Tricoli
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