Thursday, November 8, 2018, 3:00 pm — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510
Rucio is an open source software framework that provides scientific collaborations the functionality to organise, manage, and access their volumes of data. The data can be spread across heterogeneous data centres at widely distributed locations. Rucio has been originally developed to meet the requirements of the high-energy physics experiment ATLAS, and is continuously extended to support the LHC upgrades and more diverse scientific communities. Next to ATLAS, the Xenon1t dark matter search and AMS cosmic ray experiment are also using Rucio in production. The CMS experiment will deploy Rucio by 2019 and operate at a similar scale as ATLAS. Additionally several other experiments such as Belle-2 (B mesons), SKA (radio astronomy), LIGO (gravitational waves), DUNE and IceCube (both neutrino) are currently evaluating Rucio for adoption. This talk will discuss the exascale challenges these scientific experiments face and how Rucio will help to address them. Specifically the possibilities for uncomplicated deployment, easy integration in existing data workflows and the benefit of using the automated services provided by Rucio, will be shown. Also the transition of Rucio from a single-experiment system to an open community project, developed by scientists from multiple experiments, will be presented as well.
Hosted by: Paul Laycock, Eric Lancon
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