Tuesday, January 15, 2019, 3:30 pm — Large Seminar Room, Bldg. 510
BNL has a long history of R&D in noble liquid based detectors, from the invention of the first liquid argon (LAr) calorimeter in 1974, to the construction of large liquid argon time projection chambers (LAr TPC) leading to Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) by 2026, in a time span over half a century. Readout electronics has always been an integral part of the detector, in both ATLAS LAr Calorimeter where high precision has played an essential role in the 2012 Higgs discovery, and in LAr TPC based neutrino detectors where cryogenic electronics proved to be an enabling technology. The development of noble liquid based detectors and readout electronics systems at BNL will be presented, focused on integrated detector-readout design, as motivated by our physics interests and experiment requirements, in energy frontier LHC experiments, and in intensity frontier short baseline and long baseline neutrino experiments. As both experiments present challenges in data acquisition, the FELIX based DAQ system for high-bandwidth detector readout developed at BNL, also being adopted in various particle physics experiments worldwide, will be discussed as well.
Hosted by: Andrei Nomerotski
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