Friday, January 18, 2019, 3:00 pm — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510
Current cosmological measurements have left us with deep questions about our Universe: What caused the expansion of the Universe at the earliest times? How many standard model particles are there? What is the underlying nature of Dark Energy and dark matter? New experiments like CMB-StageIV, Simons Observatory, and CHIME are poised to address these questions through measurements of the polarized Cosmic Microwave Background and 3-dimensional maps of structure. In this talk, I will describe efforts in the community to deploy enormous experiments that are capable of turning CMB measurements into probes of high energy particle physics. I will also discuss how we can broaden the potential science returns by including 21 cm measurements of large scale structure as a new means to probe Dark Energy with experiments like CHIME and HIRAX.
Hosted by: Anze Slosar
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