Friday, June 7, 2019, 12:30 pm — NSLS-II Bldg. 743 Room 156
This presentation gives an overview of the materials, performance requirements and cost of current automotive traction batteries based on Li-ion technology. It also includes important aspects related to electromobility, such as its sustainability and energy efficiency. As current Li-Ion batteries with intercalation-type active materials are approaching their physicochemical energy density limit of roughly 300 Wh/kg or 800 Wh/L, alternative technologies such as lithium-metal based all-solid-state batteries (ASSBs) currently intensively studied, which promise an energy density of up to 1000 Wh/L. The potential and challenges of this and other post Li-ion batteries (e.g. Dual-Ion, Mg-Ion, Li-Sulphur) are discussed and also compared by systematic bottom-up energy density calculations. Through a step-by-step analysis from theoretical energy content at the material level to practical energies at the cell level, the individual advantages and shortcomings of the studied battery types are elucidated. Literature: (1) Schmuch, R.; Wagner, R.; Hörpel, G.; Placke, T.; Winter, M. Performance and Cost of Materials for Lithium-Based Rechargeable Automotive Batteries. Nat. Energy 2018, 3 (4), 267–278. (2) Betz, J.; Bieker, G.; Meister, P.; Placke, T.; Winter, M.; Schmuch, R. Theoretical versus Practical Energy: A Plea for More Transparency in the Energy Calculation of Different Rechargeable Battery Systems. Adv. Energy Mater. 2018, 1803170, 1803170. (3) Placke, T.; Kloepsch, R.; Dühnen, S.; Winter, M. Lithium Ion, Lithium Metal, and Alternative Rechargeable Battery Technologies: The Odyssey for High Energy Density. J. Solid State Electrochem. 2017, 1–26. (4) Meister, P.; Jia, H.; Li, J.; Kloepsch, R.; Winter, M.; Placke, T. Best Practice: Performance and Cost Evaluation of Lithium Ion Battery Active Materials with Special Emphasis on Energy Efficiency. Chem. Mater. 2016, 28 (20), 7203-7217
Hosted by: Ignace Jarrige
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